"I serve as the Development Manager for Teach For America’s Eastern North Carolina site. I work closely with our executive director to design strategy for meeting our funding goals, accessing new donors, and ensuring that current supporters are kept informed of our organization’s impact. Duke’s Program in Education gave me a skill-set that I continue to use. It taught me more about organization and planning than anything else I did at Duke. Through my collaboration with my cooperating teacher, I also learned how to work on a team to make sure our students got the opportunities they deserved. Finally, through the coursework and student teaching, I got the skills I needed to be an effective beginning teacher. Even though I am not in the classroom today, my desire to ensure that all students receive an excellent education will impact everything I do for the rest of my career, and even if I never return to the classroom, my experience there, as a student teacher and a teacher, will be fundamental to my future endeavors."