There are a range of scholarship opportunities for the Program in Education. Some are open only to existing students, some are awarded to students as part of their application to Duke University, and other are competitive programs administered by non-Duke organizations.
Continuing Studies Scholarship
This scholarship is designed to provide aid for post-baccalaureate students who wish to complete the Teaching Licensure requirements through either the Elementary Teacher Preparation Program or the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program. Any student who is or will be a recipient of Duke University’s undergraduate degree is eligible to apply. It is NOT required to have previously completed the Education Minor in order to be eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship funds will cover 90% of the tuition for any remaining classes needed to fulfill the Teaching Licensure requirements. After submitting an application, prospective students will be interviewed for acceptance into both the Teacher Preparation Program and the Scholarship by a committee of Education faculty.
For details on how to apply to either Teacher Preparation Program, please contact Dr. Kisha Daniels (Secondary Program: 9-12 licensure), Dr. Jan Riggsbee (Elementary Program: K-6 licensure), or see Our Study Options tab for further information.
Awards for Current Duke Students
Winfred Quinton Holton Prize for Educational Research
Endowed in 1919 by gifts from Holland and Lela Young Holton in memory of their son, the Holton Prize recognizes investigative research, curriculum development work, and innovative projects in Education-related fields. Duke undergraduates who have declared a minor in Education, and/or who are enrolled in a teacher licensure program, and/or who have enrolled in an Education course are urged to enter the competition. Cash awards of up to $1,000 will be given for outstanding and innovative work in Education. The work will be judged by a committee of Program in Education faculty.
To Apply
Pick up an application in the Program of Education Office, West Duke Building Room 213 or
2023 Top Honors
- Brooke Harmon, Understanding and Quantifying Bias in Duke A&S Course Evaluations
- Nicolas Pardo, Teacher Working Conditions and Attrition in the Return to School
- Sarah Zimmerman, Embracing Culture and Connection: Asset-Based Approaches and Multilingual Learner Parent-Teacher Relationships
The Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. Award for Leadership in Education
The Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. Award for Leadership in Education is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated effective leadership in addressing the systemic inequities that result from gaps in educational opportunities and achievement disparities. First presented to Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. in 2017, this award recognizes a graduating senior who has completed the Elementary or Secondary Teacher Preparation Program or the Education Minor. This award recognizes effective leadership in response to systemic inequities in education through scholarship and research; teaching; mentoring; and/or advocacy; along with demonstrated commitment to education in Durham, NC. A cash award of up to $500 will be given based on selection by a Program in Education committee.
Any member of the Duke community (including students) may nominate an eligible student for a Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. Award. Joint nominations are welcome. The nominator(s) should submit a brief statement indicating why the nominee deserves the award in light of the criteria described above. Nominations should be submitted to Shaun Thompson, Staff Assistant for the Program in Education, by email ( and must be received by Friday, March 28, 2025.
Need-Base Scholarships for Duke Student Applicants
John Alexander & Lillie Goodman Scott Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Lois Collins Scott (T'24) to provide scholarship support to undergraduate students in the Elementary Teaching Preparation Program. Mrs. Scott was an elementary school teacher for over forty years. This scholarship honors the parents of Mrs. Scott's late husband, Mr. Clyfford G. Scott (T'24, L'32). Mrs. Scott has established a second scholarship for students in the Elementary Teaching Preparation Program honoring her late husband's sister, Lura Anna Scott Wellborn, and one in the Law School honoring her late husband. She resides in Durham.
Past Recipients:
2022 - Anika Augustin
2021 - Alejandra Gomez
2020 - Kaitlyn Howie
2019 - Nadia Ford and Raisa Reed
Marilyn Tobias Memorial Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship was established in 1995 by Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis, IN, in memory of the wife of Randall L. Tobias, former chairman and chief executive officer of Eli Lilly and former chairman of the Duke Board of Trustees. The scholarship provides financial support for undergraduates with a preference for women, who have demonstrated academic excellence and an interest in pursuing a career in education. Mrs. Marilyn Tobias, an educator and philanthropist, died in 1994. Mrs. Tobias contributed to education as a teacher and as a volunteer for various organizations that serve the educational interests of children.
Past Recipients:
2022 - Kelly Marsh
2021 - Armoni Foster and Isabella Decarlo
2020 - Cassandra Galeano
2019 - Katherine Morawa, Katie Taylor, and Raisa Reed