The Student Teaching Internship represents the capstone or culminating experience at Duke University in the preparation of prospective teachers as knowledgeable, reflective practitioners and emerging leaders who conduct themselves ethically and professionally. The semester-long internship provides student teachers many opportunities within diverse classroom settings to refine the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they have developed as active participants in the Duke Teacher Preparation Program.
Internship Courses
- EDUC 420: Elementary School Teaching Internship (counts for two course credits)
- EDUC 498: Secondary Education Internship (counts for two course credits)
Key People Involved in Your Internship
- You, as the student teacher
- Cooperating mentor teacher
- University supervisor
- University content specialists
During the internship, student teachers integrate theory and practice and begin to utilize their knowledge of current research on teaching and learning. Perhaps most importantly, the internship will provide student teachers an opportunity to engage in critical reflection as they create meaning out of their experiences and attempt to discover their own voices and identities as teachers. Becoming a master teacher is an ongoing, developmental process. This internship provides student teachers with the foundation necessary for continued professional growth and development.