
The Bass Connections team hosted a series of six Teach In sessions at Duke TeachHouse. Educators, students, researchers, stakeholders, and community members had the opportunity to learn about and visualize the Community School Strategy. Sessions included panels, informational sessions, engaging activities, and reflective journaling prompts. Student researchers collected data at the first and last sessions in order to determine how teachers' attitudes and understanding of community schools had changed over time. … read more about University-Assisted Community Schools Teach Ins at Duke TeachHouse »

Ask Deja Simms, a sixth-grade English Language Arts teacher at Durham’s Neal Middle School, about her class’s Friday learning sessions with Duke students, and she’ll say: “We usually have low attendance Fridays, but now no student is missing. They’re like, ‘The Duke students are coming?’ They’re excited.” The lessons were part of education professor Kisha Daniels’ Critical Pedagogy of Hip Hop class, where her students worked with the sixth graders on exploring how social issues are connected to musical genres. The class… read more about Hip Hop in the Classroom »

Students in Duke’s Program in Education were recently given scholarships from two different awards.   Nine students were awarded scholarships from the North Carolina Governor’s Emerging Teacher Leadership Award, a project developed Iby TeachNC and Governor Roy Cooper's office.  Founded in 2019, the goal of TeachNC is to change how people see educators while enhancing the numbers, caliber, and diversity of educators joining North Carolina's educational landscape. The scholarship will support students as… read more about Program in Education Receives Two Awards »

Assistant Professor of the Practice Kisha Daniels is on a mission. As the new director of Duke’s Secondary Teacher Preparation Program, her job is to let students know that on a campus full of emerging consultants, engineers, and doctors, there’s also a pathway to becoming a teacher. While many departments at Duke are highly visible, the Program in Education still flies under the radar. It offers a minor for undergraduates who’d like to become elementary and secondary teachers and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) for… read more about Inspiring Change: Students in the Program in Education Find Their Calling to Make a Difference in Education »

Growing up in the Bronx only three blocks from Yankee Stadium, it’s no surprise that baseball is in Harris Cooper’s DNA. So much so the retired dean of social sciences and chair of Psychology & Neuroscience at Duke found a new lab for his tireless study of people: Working as an usher at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. “One night game, I saw a guy who had on a shirt that said ‘Rebel Scum,’” Cooper says. “He had on baggy camo shorts, a scruffy beard, hat backwards. He walks by me and a little later, another guy walks… read more about Harris Cooper: Psychology, Baseball and the History of Whiskey »

Six members of Duke’s Class of 2023 have been named to the second class of Nakayama Scholars.  The Nakayama Public Service Scholarship is part of the university’s efforts to encourage students to use their Duke experience to engage with the large challenges facing communities around the world. The students represent multiple disciplines across Duke’s academic departments as well as a variety of future careers.  Juniors Alexandra Bennion, Bentley Choi, Garrett Goodman, Shreyas Hallur, Andrew Liu and Nellie Sun… read more about Duke Names Second Class of Nakayama Scholars »

Fifty years separate the days when Claudius “C.B.” Claiborne and Michelle Staggers completed their undergraduate degrees at Duke. But a conversation held February 28 made clear that the former student-athletes had plenty of shared experiences, along with a few key differences. Now a professor of business and marketing in the Jesse H. Jones School of Business at Texas Southern University, Claiborne was the first African American basketball player at Duke and earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Staggers was a member of… read more about Two Former Student-Athletes Discuss Duke History and Hope for the Future »

In February 2022, Duke TeachHouse was recognized by the Department of Public Instruction as a "Promising Practice" in North Carolina. The mission of the Promising Practices initiative is "to promote practices that motivate, engage, and provide measurable results in North Carolina's public school units" with the goal of "improving educational opportunities for all 1.5 million public school students in North Carolina." Click here to read more.  read more about TeachHouse recognized as a "Promising Practice" by NC Department of Public Instruction »

More than 50 people gathered in a Duke classroom both in-person and remotely this September to consider whether “Truth is a Linguistic Question” – a prompt provided by faculty leading the ongoing Sawyer Seminar Series on language discrimination in fragile and precarious communities. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the series launched in spring 2020 and continued throughout the pandemic thanks to a combination of perseverance and the power of Zoom. This latest seminar kicked off a slate of events for this fall.… read more about ‘Truth is a Linguistic Question’ Talks by Five Trinity Scholars Relaunch Series on Language Discrimination »

Senior year for Duke’s Class of 2020 did not go as expected. As they look toward their long-delayed, eagerly anticipated, in-person commencement ceremony on Sept. 26, members of the Class of 2020 share their memories of Duke and how they learned to cherish ordinary moments of connection and community.  Katie Cassedy  Katie graduated in 2020 with an economics major and a minor in visual media studies.  She is currently a UK Agency Associate in LinkedIn’s Business… read more about The Class of 2020 Remembers Duke »

When he was an undergraduate political science student, Kerry Haynie was never taught about the 1921 Tulsa massacre. Nor was there much discussion about the role of race in the founding political documents of this country or much examination of how race influenced public services such as sewer lines and zoning. In one sense, a lot has changed. In 2021, Duke’s faculty includes a strong lineup of leading scholars who examine how race is embedded in issues that cross all the schools of the university. This fall, many of… read more about University Course Raises Race as a Central Element of Undergraduate Education »