Pursuit of Equality: Rethinking Schools - Lens of Social Justice


In 1954 the Supreme Court case Brown versus the Board of Education forever changed American schools by ending segregation and creating educational equity. Or did it? Are today's schools any more inclusive or socially just than schools were 50 years ago? Examination of ways schools may or may not perpetuate and reproduce social inequities. Focus on recent efforts to imagine and create socially-just schools. Discussion of our ethical responsibilities as civically engaged citizens to work towards educational equality and provide support of schools that are inclusive, culturally responsive, and democratic. Required service-learning experience working with children in a Durham public school.

Enroll Consent

Department Consent Required

Drop Consent

Department Consent Required

Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • EI
  • SS
Cross-Listed As
  • RIGHTS 111FS
Typically Offered
Fall Only